Dear reader, Last week's blog opened with one of my favorite affirmations about the universe always protecting me, guiding me and assisting me. More than an affirmation, it is actually a reminder for me. I've seen it and continue to see it at work in my life over and over. I'm not even surprised any more... I came to expect it, To recognize it, And to act on it right away when I get the confirmation of my intuitive ideas. For months now, I was been reflecting on publishing a tapping session for moms of teens who tried to commit suicide. I was advised by a website marketing expert who reviewed my site to not be too heavy, so I avoided talking about the mid-nights thoughts of horror that accompanied my panic attacks, as well as my teen's suicidal attempt. I followed her advice, but lately I've been struggling against it because I instinctively know that there are moms going through the same things, feeling alone. I know that me that talking about my experience and giving them tools to deal with such heavy topics would help them immensely. Then last week I made up my mind to record this Tapping session on the shame and guilt of "my teen's suicidal attempt". Of course this is to support you in your experience as a mom, It doens't come to replace the help of a specialist, like a psychologist or a psychiatrist for your teenager. Would you believe it, the next day I was on the phone with one of my daughters and she told me that she'd watch an episode of The real Housewives Of Salt Lake City where one of the moms came out publicly with the shame and the guilt she was experiencing regarding her son's suicidal attempt! Confirmation from the Universe! This brought me back then... I remembered how I felt when telling one of my colleagues about my teen's suicidal attempt. I was reconnected to my shame because of her facial expression of judgement and blame. I thought that perhaps it was my own judgement that I was projecting it onto this person - who up until then I considered a friend - but after this conversation in 2020, she stopped calling me. She didn't even asked how my teen was doing while they were admitted in a psychiatric hospital! The experience I went though as a mom wasn't hard enough, I had to deal with all the shame triggered by the outside world... I knew with certainty that it was time to publish this video. Two small recommendations,
Finally, if like me, you or someone you know is going through this horrible experience, my heart goes to you. I recorded this for you. This is my way of supporting you and my attempt to alleviate your suffering. Remember, we are amongst the lucky ones, our beloved child did make it, they didn't succeed and as long as there is life there is hope. This is not just a cliché phrase, this is a blessing in our lives. If you need help dealing with all that, please don't hesitate to reach out. All my love and a big warm hug to you.
The Universe is always guiding, protecting and assisting me! This is one version of my favorite, most often practiced affirmation and this week IT did it again! To give you some feedback- but I'm sure you know ;-) - I have been suffering from chronic back pain for quite some time now, so this week I was scheduled for a spine procedure. They were to insert a long needle very close to my spine, right at the root of one of the nerves going down my leg and send some radio frequencies with the goal of desensitizing the nerve. Let's just start by aknowledging the wonders of modern medecine for which I am SO grateful. Even though I underwent a similar, more intrusive procedure in March 2023, which lowered my pain considerably for over a year, this time was a completely different story. This time I was actually scared and very apprehensive. I even had a nightmare the night before. Of course, me being a brain trainer and a glass-half-full person, I tried my best to envision the highest outcome. It didn't really work, the fear was there, even when I was trying to ignore it so I knew that trying to control my fear with my thoughts wasn't enough... I had to use Tapping. So I did. I tapped on my fear, I tappend on the "catastrophizing" thougt of me losing the use of my leg and anything else that came to mind. Then, and only then, after I scared myself enough and neutralised my emotional reaction, was I able to envision the best result. I am happy to report that it went smoothly and my pain level has already gone done - only two days after ❤️ Why am I telling you that? Not to be dramatic, Not to brag about getting out of negative thinking, NO! Somehow, it again has to do with the video that was meant to be released this week: The One way that conscious parents sabotage the impact of their efforts with their teens. I explained how this happens in a way that is not so identifyable and we perhaps do it in other areas of our lives too!
Thanks for watching and let me know below if you've discovered that you were doing it too. |
AuthorMurielle Fellous, Clinical EFT practitionner, Emotional coach for moms raised three kids alone up to adulthood. CategoriesArchives |